Saturday, February 7, 2009

Another Day

Another Day has passed in this all too fast world. Since I have blogged last Savannah has started pre-school and is loving it, she goes three days a week Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 to 11:30, if anything it helps my Mom who watches her everyday have a break. The night before she started school I cut her hair. She has been going to school for now 3 weeks and this week she has a Valentines Party so that will be fun for her, we are going to wrap a shoe box up in white paper and then she will decorate it at school, she seems to be learning a lot of new things like writing and recognizing letters and numbers. My friend Shari had her baby about a month ago, his name is Ryder and so adorable, Congrats Shari and Paul. We finally put our house back together last weekend from when Christmas was here, what a relief. As for the snow it is still in our front yard, and not in anyone elses, we face the wrong direction for it to melt so it is just sitting there looking like Winter in our yard and Spring in everyone elses. In about 3 weeks we will be celebrating our 5 year Anniversary, wow has it gone fast. Things are so different to when we met. Eric's Dad spent the night last night so tonight he wants to go over to Eric's Aunt and Uncles House for Family Home Evening, I look forward to this every month although it is hard for us to make it everytime. I guess I better go get ready, blog ya later.

1 comment:

Seaside and Lollipops said...

I love that Savannah and Ashlynn both attended school this year. There was a day and time when I didn't believe in pre-school, but not I know it is so important because the programs are so much better than they used to be. . . no long glorified baby-sitting services for mom's who "just need a break." School and kids. They just go together and it's just as exciting for mom and dad as it is the three year old who marches off with their first little back-pack. Good times! The last day of school is as sad as the first day was exciting.