Life is running away from us, I can't believe how fast this last year has gone. I absolutely love being a wife and a mom there is nothing else in this world that I would or even could ask for.
Eric and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary last week, and I can honestly say I am even happier and more in Love than when we got married, I know that life is hectic and we don't get much time together but it is all worth it for the little moments. Honey I LOVE YOU!!!
Lilly is now 4 months old, she jabbers and giggles, she has been able to roll from her front to her back since she was 6 weeks old, and she is just about to roll from her back to her front. She is starting to eat rice cereal, it is so different to see her grow up compared to when Savannah was this little, Savannah was always a little behind in her milestones as she was premature, but Lillian is exceeding just about all of them she is now 16 lbs and is 26 in. she is wearing 6 month clothes, when Savannah was this size she was a little over 9 months old.
My sweet little Savannah is growing up as well, she is the best big sister ever and helps Eric and I out beyond what a 4 year old is capable of. She is the funniest person I know, today she told me a joke: How does a bear cross the road? He jumps across the cars. I have no idea where she learns this stuff. She is doing great at school, and will start kindergarten in the fall. We went and got her haircut at my work today then we came home and put some pink hairspray on some strands, she now says that I am the coolest mom for letting her do that. Thanks Savannah I am so happy I could be a cool mom.
I love you Eric! I love you Savannah! I love you Lillian!